Funny Italian expressions and phrases

Funny Italian expressions
Photo by Matteo Basile on

Italian is a language renowned for its beauty and passion. However, did you know that Italian is also a very funny language? Italian is full of humorous words and phrases that are used in everyday situations, some of which will make you laugh out loud. Here are 25 funny ones:

  1. Cadere dalle nuvole: To fall from the clouds; to be completely surprised.
  2. Non avere peli sulla lingua!: Not to have hairs on your tongue; to be very frank and outspoken.
  3. Avere le braccine corte: To have short arms; to be lazy or unmotivated.
  4. Gettare fumo negli occhi: To throw smoke in someone’s eyes; to deceive someone.
  5. Scoprire l’acqua calda – to make a discovery that is obvious to everyone else
  6. Mangi questa minestra o salti dalla finestra: Eat this soup or jump from the window; take it or leave it.
  7. Scopa nuova spazza bene per tre giorni: A new broom sweeps well for three days; new things are often more effective at first, but then the novelty wears off.
  8. Non si vive di solo pane: One does not live by bread alone; there is more to life than just material possessions.
  9. Essere in alto mare: To be in the high seas; to be lost and confused.
  10. Gettare la spugna: To throw the sponge; to give up.
  11. Rompere le uova nel paniere: To break the eggs in the basket; to ruin someone’s plans.
  12. Mettere la pulce nell’orecchio (a qualcuno): To put the flea in someone’s ear; to give someone a doubt or suspicion.
  13. In bocca al lupo: Into the wolf’s mouth; a good luck wish, often used before exams or performances.
  14. L’ospite è come il pesce. Dopo tre giorni puzza: The guest is like a fish. After three days, he smells; a humorous way of saying that guests should not overstay their welcome.
  15. Sputa il rospo: Spit out the toad; tell the truth.
  16. Buono come il pane: As good as bread; a very good person.
  17. Avere un cervello di gallina: To have a chicken’s brain; to be very stupid.
  18. Non vedo l’ora: I don’t see the hour; I can’t wait.
  19. Piovere a catinelle: To rain in buckets; to rain very heavily.
  20. Ubriaco come una scimmia: Drunk as a monkey; very drunk
  21. Essere come il prezzemolo – to be everywhere, like parsley
  22. Essere un pesce fuor d’acqua: To be out of one’s element.
  23. Fare la figura del salame: To make a fool of oneself.
  24. Prendere due piccioni con una fava: To kill two birds with one stone.
  25. Tirarsi la zappa sui piedi: To shoot oneself in the foot.

The use of humorous and vivid expressions in the Italian language is a testament to the country’s abundant cultural and linguistic diversity.

Photo by Matteo Basile /

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